Winter brings comfort food and cozy fires, but it also brings cold weather and dry skin. I’ve tried many things to keep my skin hydrated during the cold season, and this avocado facial mask is a winter staple when it comes to keeping my skin healthy and nourished. The mask is all natural and all the recipe calls for is an avocado, egg yolk and some honey. Avocados are filled with Vitamin A, which helps purge off any dead skin cells, and the oils in the avocado penetrate deep into the skin, helping it soften and hydrate during the harsh winter season. The egg yolk and honey both aid in nourishment and replenish moisture back into the skin.
- 1 ripe avocado
- ¼ cup of honey
- 1 egg yolk

Cut the avocado in half and scoop the flesh into a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until it is smooth in consistency. Add ¼ cup of honey with the egg yolk and mix. Rub the mixture onto your face and let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and follow up with your favorite moisturizer. If you have any leftover mask, don’t let it go to waste—it makes a wonderful hydrating hair mask as well!